DONATION project PJ 2016-007 | Rehabilitation of freed IS-slaves |

The suffering of the girls and women who were kidnapped and enslaved by IS is unspeakable.
Our special commitment is therefore to help these severely traumatized women
through rehabilitation and safe accommodation.


In March 2016, our missionary organization took part in helping Yezidi women and girls escape ISIS slavery in Kurdish-populated northern Iraq. By taking out a loan and the donations received at the time, 31 women were released after the money was handed over to the responsible cooperation partners.

As a result, EMG was already in debt to its creditors in the first quarter of 2016 with a total of over 40,700 euros. Unfortunately, the Kurdish government is unlikely to see any backflow of funds due to the high burden of IS countermeasures, securing refugee camps and providing local aid.
For this reason, we rely on the financial support of generous donors.

Since then, we have received 18,700 euros in donations up to December 2019, leaving the missionary organization with a residual burden of around 30,300 euros.
Therefore, we continue to accept every donation that benefits this project with great enthusiasm.

Thank you for your help!

We are grateful for donations:

EMG e.V.
Sparkasse Uecker-Randow
IBAN: DE 14 15050400 3420001818
Verwendungszweck: SPENDE – PJ 2016-007    Rehabilitation of freed IS-slaves

