… and no tears are left.

During my volunteer work at the European Mission Fellowship (EMF e.V. -alliance for democracy and tolerance) I got to know a member of the international congregation/cooperation for human rights (IGFM), who works in a lot of different refugee camps in northern Iraq.

Trough a Kurdish contact he has the opportunity to take care of people that have been freed from ISIS slavery.

The people tell him what they have suffered, he weeps with them and helps to carry their heavy load.

He talked with me about the horror these women and children had to endure. Horror that can’t be endured. So today I want to tell you one of these horror stories.

Jesiden1, YezidenA pregnant women with the name Dilara was taken by ISIS, together with her two year old daughter and her three year old son. Her husband was slaughterer in front of her their eyes.

The man who had kidnapped Dilara, took her two year old daughter Dilan and locked her in a cabinet. He forbid Dilara to take her daughter out.

Dilan screamed and cried badly. Dilara just couldn’t let her daughter stay in the cabinet. Every mother will understand. The man from ISIS saw this, grabbed the little girl in front of the pregnant mother, her three year old brother Serhat and another man, on one arm and one leg, lifted her up high and threw her on the ground. Than again he took Dilan on one arm and leg lifted her high and said:” Look what I am doing now!”

He ripped her clothes off and bit one breast off. While he did this the white in his eyes turned blood red. The other man in the room held his hand in front of the eyes of the little boy, but the man from ISIS saw this and threatened to kill him, so he took his hands away.

Dilara was in so much pain for her child, she held on to the other man and bit into his coat.

The man from ISIS bit off the other breast of the two year old girl. Then he took his knife and cut her belly open reached inside and took out her organs. After that he ripped out her eyes and forced the three year old Serhat to play with them.

Nearly unconscious from pain but without any tears Dilara had to bear the cruel death of her little daughter.

Serhat is badly traumatizet, he tried to kill his newly born sister shortly after.

A child psychologist takes care of this traumatized boy. The diagnosis. “It will take more than 10years for this child, until a normal life will be possible ”

For me it is unbelievable what “humans” can do to other humans. This is beyond cruel and evil, especially that they believe to enter the paradise through what they do.

Micah 6,8

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

I am thankful, that we were able to free 31 people from ISIS slavery. Grateful that Jesus Christ shows us all if this so we won’t look away but act. Thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ that have read my articles and acted up.

May the Lord bless you.

Yours truly,


translated by Leonore Embree

Please help us

Spendenkonto der Europäischen Missionsgemeinschaft e.V.:

Sparkasse Uecker-Randow

IBAN: DE 14 1505  0400 3420 001818


PJ: 2016/007 Rehabilitation- Children and Women from IS-Slavery (Purpose Donation)

read more about that?

“Women and girls that have fled need special protection”

Supporting the European Mission Fellowship (EMG e.V.) in rescuing slaves from ISIS

The suffering of a mother
