Today we again used the opportunity to provide additional relief supplies for our partner in northern Iraq. We were able to give care-beds, mattresses, medicine and care products as well as many sweets for...
Penkun 17.06.2016 Heute fuhren wir zur „Ukraine-Hilfe“ nach Lobetal bei Bernau. Es war uns eine Freude, über 1000 Edelmarzipanstollen zur Verfügung stellen zu dürfen. 1992 entstand die „Ukraine-Hilfe“ aus einem Second-Hand-Laden und dem Bestelldienst...
Today on May 26, 2016, we received a package from the stationery manufacturer Faber-Castell. Faber-Castell sent us felt-tip pens for 56 orphans in northern Iraq. We will forward these pens immediately, and we are...
Heute schreibe ich über meinen Mückenstich: Aber bevor ich das tue, möchte ich noch einmal anmerken, dass ich froh und dankbar bin, anderthalb Wochen bei der EMG e.V. verbringen zu können und auch weiterhin...
… and no tears are left. During my volunteer work at the European Mission Fellowship (EMF e.V. -alliance for democracy and tolerance) I got to know a member of the international congregation/cooperation for human...
During my stay with the European Mission Fellowship (EMG) I had the great privilege not only to get to know the former ISIS Sex Slave “Shirin”, but also “Jalil” a worker with the international...
Supporting the European Mission Fellowship (EMG e.V.) in rescuing slaves from ISIS Dear Friends and readers, To my great joy and personnel enrichment I can report that I was able to volunteer at the...
“Women and girls that have fled need special protection” (Quote: from the Magazine of International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) IGFM in Germany # 3-4, 2015) On his journey to Iraq in December 2015,...
Dehumanization Written by Daniela Gaudek translated by Leonore Embree Today I am writing about my mosquito bite, but before I am doing this, I want to note how happy and thankful I am...
Hallo, liebe Freunde, nach vielen Vorbereitungen konnte nun endlich der Familientag am Pfingstsonntag, dem 15. Mai 2016, stattfinden. Keiner wusste wie das Wetter wirklich wird. Es wurde recht kalt und Regen war angesagt. Als...